


Michigan Transfer Agreement Washtenaw Community College


Michigan Transfer Agreement: A Guide for Students at Washtenaw Community College

If you`re a student at Washtenaw Community College (WCC) in Michigan, you may have heard about the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA). But what exactly is the MTA, and how can it benefit you as a student?

The Michigan Transfer Agreement is a statewide agreement that allows students to transfer credits from one Michigan community college or university to another. The MTA was created to simplify the transfer process and ensure that students are able to transfer the credits they have earned to another institution without losing any of their hard-earned credits.

At WCC, the MTA is an important resource for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university. If you are planning to transfer, it is important to understand the requirements of the MTA and how to fulfill them.

The MTA requires students to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework, including courses in English composition, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics. The courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

At WCC, there are many courses that fulfill the requirements of the Michigan Transfer Agreement. For example, English composition courses such as ENG 111 and ENG 226 fulfill the MTA requirement for English composition. Humanities courses such as ART 101 and MUS 111 fulfill the MTA requirement for humanities. Social science courses such as PSY 100 and SOC 100 fulfill the MTA requirement for social sciences. Natural science courses such as BIO 111 and PHY 111 fulfill the MTA requirement for natural sciences. And mathematics courses such as MTH 160 and MTH 175 fulfill the MTA requirement for mathematics.

It is important to note that not all courses at WCC fulfill the requirements of the MTA. Before enrolling in a course, students should check with their academic advisor to ensure that the course will count toward the MTA requirements.

Once the MTA requirements have been fulfilled, students will receive a Michigan Transfer Agreement endorsement on their transcript. This endorsement indicates that the student has completed the requirements of the MTA and is eligible to transfer to a four-year college or university in Michigan.

In addition to the MTA, there are many other resources available at WCC to help students prepare for transfer. The college offers transfer advising, transfer fairs, and transfer workshops to help students explore their options and navigate the transfer process.

If you are a student at WCC and you plan to transfer to a four-year college or university in Michigan, be sure to explore the opportunities available through the Michigan Transfer Agreement. By fulfilling the requirements of the MTA, you will be well-prepared to continue your education and achieve your academic goals.