


Lot Tie Agreement Los Angeles


Lot Tie Agreement Los Angeles: An Overview

If you`re a real estate investor or a developer in the Los Angeles area, you may come across the term “lot tie agreement” when dealing with properties. A lot tie agreement is an important legal document that affects the use and development of real property. In this article, we`ll provide an overview of what a lot tie agreement is, why it`s necessary, and how it works.

What is a Lot Tie Agreement?

A lot tie agreement is a legal document that restricts the use of two or more adjacent parcels of land. Its purpose is to ensure that the development on each of the parcels complies with certain conditions, such as zoning and land use regulations. In Los Angeles, a lot tie agreement is typically used to prevent the development of a property that is not zoned for the intended use, or that does not meet other local land use requirements.

Why is a Lot Tie Agreement Necessary?

In Los Angeles, zoning and land use regulations are complex and can vary by area. A lot tie agreement serves as a tool for developers and property owners to ensure that their projects comply with local regulations. It also helps to protect the public interest by ensuring that the use of the property is appropriate for the area and does not adversely affect neighboring properties.

How Does a Lot Tie Agreement Work?

A lot tie agreement is a contract between the owners of the adjacent parcels of land. It usually includes a legal description of the property, a list of the restrictions and conditions of the agreement, and the signature of all parties involved. The agreement is filed with the county recorder`s office and becomes a permanent part of the public record.

Once the lot tie agreement is in place, any future owner of the property is bound by its terms. For example, if a developer wants to build a commercial building on the property, the lot tie agreement may require that the building be set back a certain distance from the property line or that certain landscaping be installed.


A lot tie agreement is an important legal tool for developers and property owners in Los Angeles. It helps to ensure that the development of adjacent properties is consistent with local zoning and land use regulations. If you`re considering a real estate investment or development project in the area, it`s important to understand the implications of lot tie agreements and work with an experienced real estate attorney to ensure your project complies with local regulations.