


Exhibit in Contract Definition


When it comes to legal documents and contracts, it can be tough to decipher some of the jargon and terminology used. One term that often crops up is “exhibit” or “exhibit in contract,” but what exactly does this mean?

In simple terms, an exhibit is an attachment or annexure that is added to a contract to provide additional information or clarification. Exhibits can take many forms, including diagrams, charts, photographs, maps, or even copies of other documents that are referenced in the contract.

The main purpose of an exhibit is to ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of the agreement. By providing additional information that may be difficult to include within the main body of the contract, an exhibit can help to avoid any confusion or ambiguity that might arise.

For example, if a contract involves the sale of a property, an exhibit might include a surveyor`s map of the land to be sold, highlighting any boundaries or easements that need to be taken into account. Similarly, a contract for the provision of services might include an exhibit outlining a detailed project plan or timeline.

Exhibits can also be used to provide evidence or support for certain clauses within the contract. For example, a contract for the sale of goods might include an exhibit showing photographs of the items being sold, or a contract for the provision of services might include an exhibit showing examples of work that has been completed previously.

So, what should you look out for when dealing with exhibits in contracts? Firstly, make sure that you are aware of any exhibits that are referenced within the main body of the contract, and ensure that you have access to them. It`s also important to check that any exhibits are clear and legible, and that they accurately reflect the terms and conditions of the contract.

In addition, it`s worth noting that exhibits can sometimes be used as a bargaining tool during contract negotiations. For example, if one party requests the inclusion of a particularly detailed exhibit, this may be used as leverage to negotiate other aspects of the contract.

In conclusion, exhibits play an important role in many contracts, providing additional information and clarification to ensure that all parties are on the same page. As with any legal document, it`s important to take the time to read exhibits carefully and ensure that you have a clear understanding of their contents.