


Sample Indemnification Clause Service Contract


When entering into a service contract, it is important to include an indemnification clause to protect both parties from potential liabilities. An indemnification clause is a legal provision in a contract that obligates one party to protect the other party from financial loss or legal actions arising from the service provided.

A sample indemnification clause for a service contract may look something like this:

“Indemnification: The service provider agrees to indemnify and hold the client harmless against all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorney`s fees, incurred by the client arising out of or related to the services provided by the service provider, except to the extent that they arise from the client`s own negligence or willful misconduct.”

This clause essentially means that the service provider will be responsible for any legal or financial consequences that arise from their provision of services, except in cases where the client was at fault (e.g., if the client failed to provide necessary information or instructions).

It is important to note that indemnification clauses are negotiable, and the terms should be discussed and agreed upon by both parties before signing the contract. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that the indemnification clause is not overly broad and that the indemnification obligations are reasonable and proportional to the services being provided.

When drafting or reviewing a service contract, it is always best to consult with a qualified attorney who can provide guidance and ensure that the agreement is legally sound and protects both parties` interests.

In conclusion, including an indemnification clause in a service contract can provide essential protection for both parties involved. A well-drafted indemnification clause can help prevent costly legal disputes and provide peace of mind for all parties involved.