


Saudi Air Bubble Agreement


The Saudi Air Bubble Agreement: What It Means for Air Travelers

In light of the ongoing global pandemic, countries around the world have been implementing travel restrictions and border closures to slow the spread of COVID-19. However, as we approach the end of the year, there has been a growing demand for air travel to resume. To meet this demand, some countries have signed air bubble agreements with each other, allowing for limited air travel between them while minimizing the risk of COVID-19 transmission. One such agreement is the Saudi Air Bubble Agreement.

What is the Saudi Air Bubble Agreement?

The Saudi Air Bubble Agreement was signed on September 13, 2020, between Saudi Arabia and a select few countries. As of November 2020, these countries include Bahrain, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Under this agreement, airlines from the participating countries are allowed to operate a limited number of flights between them. Before boarding their flights, passengers must meet certain requirements, such as presenting a negative COVID-19 test result and adhering to the health and safety measures set by the airline and the destination country.

Benefits of the Saudi Air Bubble Agreement

The Saudi Air Bubble Agreement has several benefits for air travelers. Firstly, it provides a safer way to travel during the pandemic, as it limits the number of people traveling between the countries. The agreement also allows for the resumption of certain business and economic activities, which have been disrupted due to the pandemic.

Additionally, the agreement could help boost the tourism industry in the participating countries. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, and the UAE are popular tourist destinations, and the resumption of air travel could encourage more people to visit these countries.

Precautions to Take While Traveling

While the Saudi Air Bubble Agreement provides a safer way to travel during the pandemic, travelers should still take precautions to protect themselves and others. This includes wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and washing hands frequently.

It is also important to follow the health and safety measures set by the airline and the destination country. This may include undergoing COVID-19 testing, adhering to quarantine rules, and following any other health directives.


The Saudi Air Bubble Agreement is a step towards the resumption of air travel during the pandemic. It provides a safer way to travel between countries while minimizing the risk of COVID-19 transmission. However, travelers should still take precautions and follow the health and safety measures set by the airline and the destination country. As the pandemic continues, it is important for countries to work together to find safe and effective ways to resume economic activity while protecting public health.